NAET®, Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Techniques, discovered and developed by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad MD, DC, L.Ac, PhD are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine.
NAET® can successfully alleviate adverse reactions to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, other environmental agents if treated appropriately following the correct NAET® treatment protocol. It may take several office visits to desensitize a severe allergen. Did you know one can actually have an allergy to another person? an emotion or feeling? A place? Even parts of themselves?
NAET® allows us to eliminate emotional allergies and sensitivities that can start a downward spiral with debilitating consequences of health for many. These types of allergies would not even be thought of in allopathic treatment, and very few alternative practitioners are aware of such problems or solutions leaving many frustrated and hopeless for healing.