Shoe inserts, flip flops, slides, and pillows

Custom orthotics can reduce the amount you need to see a doctor. And we can test you for your individual needs!

Orthotics for your feet:


Your feet are your body’s foundation, supporting and stabilizing all of you. Every step requires dynamic changes in support, tension and laxity throughout the foot.  When there is a lack of support at the base, the entire system is lacking. Did you realize that not only your muscles and bones, but every organ is also dealing with the consequence of lack of support? How can your organs, muscles, blood vessels and nervous system function optimally if they are being pulled down from the base?

  • Why we prefer custom orthotics to mass produced insoles:

There are three functional arches that together form what’s known as the plantar vault of the foot. The plantar vault includes the inner (medial longitudinal) arch, the outer (lateral longitudinal) arch, and the anterior transverse (metatarsal) arch across the balls of the feet. Mass-produced insoles, or inserts, usually provide support for only one arch, while the other two arches receive no benefits. No two of us are exactly the same, so these provide no benefits and in some cases may even cause further misalignments in the foot and beyond.

Most of us need a bit of support due to anatomical changes from injuries, habits, adaptations or just being made a certain way.   Did you know most of the population today has pes planus or flat feet? A few have pes cavus or high arches. Either of these anatomical conditions create misalignments in the foot, ankle, and throughout the body. Chronic misalignments lead to uneven wear and tear. This leads to many issues of the muscles, skeletal system and the organs and nervous system too!

So how many have the ideal biodynamic structure?  In fact only about 5% of us.  That means 95% of the population could improve their health through custom orthotics alone! That’s exciting, quick, easy, and painless! Even that 5% ideal structure group can benefit from the support of custom made orthotics, especially if standing most of the day.

Schedule your consultation today.


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Feet and Neck support available:

Custom Orthotic Insoles

Custom Orthotic Flip Flops

Custom Orthotic Slides

Orthopedic and Custom Made Pillows


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