Organic Acids (OATs)
An organic acids test evaluates your metabolic health. Your metabolism is responsible for breaking down your food and turning it into energy. An OATs test can help indicate if you have any interfering toxins, any nutrient deficiencies in your vitamins/minerals, any problems with your mitochondria (your cells energy source), and/or any problems with your central nervous system.
This is a great overview of your body function and can help indiciate what underlying factors may be contributing to your symptoms. It can also guide what other diagnostic testing would be most beneficial for you.
Mycotoxins are certain chemicals produced by molds and fungi. These toxic molds and fungi can be found in some foods, water sources, the air and our homes. Especially here in Florida where mold and fungi are so pervasive due to flooding, leaks and high humidity, mycotoxins can often be a huge contributer or cause of your symptoms.
In order to properly remove any mycotoxins in your body, the type of mycotoxin must be idetified. This is where testing comes in. Once identified, mycotoxins can be removed safely using the proper binders.
Symtoms of mycotoxin exposure:
- Gastrointestinal problems: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation
- Respiratory problems: Cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest pain
- Skin problems: Itching, redness, rashes, and blisters
- Neurological problems: Headache, dizziness, confusion, and seizures
- Musculoskeletal problems: Muscle weakness, pain, and cramps
- Immune system problems: Allergic reactions, immunosuppression
- Endocrine problems: Hormonal imbalances
- Organ damage: Liver, kidney, and heart damage
- Blood disorders: Anemia and bleeding
- Cancer: Certain mycotoxins have been linked to an increased risk of cancer
Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are found in our foods, environment, medications, household items and industrial items. These metals include lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium to name a few. These can be extremely harmful to our bodies. Testing can help identify any heavy metals that we have been overexposed to and need to safely remove.
Environmental Toxins
Every day we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals. These toxic chemicals can hide in our food, water, household products, personal care products, plastics, and air pollution. Not every toxic chemical we come into contact with will lead to immediate symtoms, but when we are overloaded our bodies experience extreme distress. This can lead to immune dysfunction, neurological disorders, endocrine disruption, certain types of cancer, and other disfunctions.
Knowing what toxic environmental chemicals are effecting your health can be valuable information. Once the environmental toxins are identified using diagnostic testing, you can both reduce your exposure (if possible) and support your body in removing the toxins.
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide and the primary toxic chemical in Roundup™ which is utilized by homeowners, municipalities, and farmers to prevent the growth of weeds and grasses.
Glyphosate has been associated with respiratory effects (lung and nose), such as irritation in the nose, or asthma, in people using glyphosate products. Studies have also linked glyphosate exposure to chronic conditions and various types of cancer. It is also known to disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, reducing the ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria.
Since glyphosate is so prevalent in the USA, testing if you have high levels of this chemical can be beneficial especially if you have a chronic condition.