Whether you are experiencing symptoms from your pets, environment, food, etc. we can help! We have a few options for allergy testing and modalities we can use once we know your allergy.

Allergy Testing

Depending on your sysmptoms, the doctor may want to do diagnostic testing to narrow down your known allergies. Allergy tests often include both environmental and food allergies. We work with multiple labs so the doctor can order the test that will be most beneficial for you individually.

Some suspected allergens don't have an available diagnostic test, or the test may be too expensive. When this happens, the doctor utilizes Applied Kinesiology to aide in diagnosis.


If you have already completed allergy testing and want to receive treament, scroll down to the next section to learn of some ways we can help.

Learn more about IgG and IgE allergies Back to "Diagnostic Testing & Assessments"