Manual osteopathy means hands on manual manipulative medicine.  

Osteopathy treats the root cause of disturbances. Imbalances throughout the body, like sturctural anomolies from accidents, or injuries, degenerative or inflammatory changes. Organ disfunctions like disturbances in digestion, sleep, respiration, heart rate, nerve conduction, mental state, or emotional state. Any one or more of these things can and will have an impact on the physiology, or functions of the body and mind complex. Signals and information exchange may be slowed or become disregulated leading to too much or not enough in one or more systems of the body. 

For example, subluxations of the spine, or cranium can lead to or be caused by an issue elsewhere in the body.Because of Dr. Kate’s unique background and training, she works from a few basic principles to make a profound and lasting impact on one’s health and well being. 

The first principle , structure governs function.

If the structure is compromised, the function will experience struggle and, over time, will result in dis-ease.

Secondly, the principle that the body is an intelligent design of interdependent systems, created to maintain, regulate, and heal itself.

And finally, the principle  that rational individualized treatment that follows the steps of healing results in healing.

Manual osteopathy allows the doctor to feel, sense, and understand how fluid and energy flow has been arrested, stagnated, jammed, or overwhelmed,  become hyperactive, scattered, or sparse. The benefits of Dr. Kate’s hands-on treatments are far-reaching. Her practice is an integral approach to healing the entire being and giving the body back the ability of self-maintenance, regulation and healing.  This is the original design.

Dr. Kate’s integral healing approach is a fantastic addition to your plan for attaining and maintaining health and well-being throughout your lifespan.

Because there is no beginning and no end to your structure, you are literally woven together, not a sum of your parts that can easily be added or subtracted but an interconnected, interdependent system of systems.  So that if one part is suffering, the whole is involved in repairing.

Understanding that to heal, the whole being must be cared for, Dr. Kate treats the entire being before her with reverence and respect.
By Design, We are ALL Made to Shine!

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