Functional medicine allows for alternatives to the western model of pharmaceuticals and surgery. Of course, these modalities have their place, and some people still prefer and/or need to go there. Functional medicine looks deeper than the symptoms and seeks to find and treat the cause. It also provides the capacity to correct patterns of dysfunction and/or disturbance before they become disease.  Dr. Kate has a unique approach and perspective as her background is based on the principles of Manual Osteopathy. Her additional training and background in neuro-emotional and quantum neurology techniques provide a whole-person integral approach to healing perspective.

As Dr. Kate recognizes and works with the innate wisdom of the individual, what we are able to accomplish together is often miraculous. 

It is through the functional medicine training and practice that Dr. Kate came to see the need to add the detox suite to our services. The more that she began to test for what is causing the body to be unwell and find the cause to be a toxic overload, the more she realized we must also provide a way to clear those toxins and keep the body clean.

Metabolic dysfunction from toxins such as heavy metals, mycotoxins, environmental toxins (from manufacturing, lifelong hobbies, occupational exposure, lawn care) and toxins from our diet and even from unresolved emotions, ultimately leads to disease and eventually death. Functional medicine aims to find the root of each individual’s health concerns and correct them. This is not a quick fix, nor is it always easy to make huge changes compared to taking a pharmaceutical pill every day. However, the benefits of finding and correcting the root cause, detoxifying, stabilizing, and fortifying the individual far out way the temporary cost of changing lifestyle and diet habits to improve quality and increase quantity of one’s life

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