What is the Atlas Bone?
The atlas bone is your spines first cervical vertebra. It is responsible for carrying your skull as well as suspension, equilibrium and management of your spine and skeleton. Your atlas bone and axis are responsible for the nodding and rotation movements of your head. And, along with your second vertebra, function as conduits for the cervical cord and vertebral arteries.
Trauma such as whiplash, slips and falls, or any sports injuries can push the atlas bone into a malrotated position. Because your atlas bone is essential for the structural integrity of your spine, and the cerebral and cranial nerves, arteries, veins, spinal cord and spinal fluid that pass through it to the opening at the base of your skull, when your atlas is off it can cause a lot of symptoms.
Some symptoms you may experience if your atlas is malrotated:
- Headaches and migraines
- Neck pain
- Vertigo
- Tinnitus
- Limited range of motion
- Balance issues
- Back, shoulder, hip pain or numbness
- Inflammation
- Brain fog
- Mental health problems such as depression, learning difficulties, and concentration problems
- Insomnia
The atlas bone is surrounded by four layers of protective muscles and so cannot be adjusted using manual therapy. AtlasPROfilax® is an atlas realignment technique created by René C. Schümperli in Switzerland. This modern neuromuscular massage technique, applies vibro pressure and massages the short neck muscles allowing the atlas to move back into correct position.
For those who need this treatment, it can feel like a "miracle cure". Once the atlas bone is back in place, it does not usually become malrotated again unless the area is re-injured. This treatment is best done only once. If additional treatments are needed, please consult the doctor.
AtlasPROfilax® is not safe to do on every person, nor is it always nescesary. Dr. Kate will conduct an examination in order to know if this is a technique you can safely benefit from.